Postgraduate Ranking

RAE 평가결과보기

영국은 작은 국토 면적에 비해 세계적으로 인정받는 교육시스템을 갖추고 있으며, 그 가운데 가장 중요하게 여기고 있는 분야가 바로 교육의 질적 요소라고 할 수 있습니다. 특히 석박사 대학원 과정의 경우 영국정부는 별도의 UK Higher Education Funding Councils을 통해 대략 5년에 한번씩 대학원 연구의 질적 수준을 점검, RAE (Research Assessment Exercise)라는 이름으로 발표하고 있습니다.

RAE (Research Assessment Exercise) 결과는 대학에서 발표한 여러 학술지, 저널, 컨퍼런스 등을 통해 평가되며, 연구실적과 함께 연구능력 및 환경적인 조건도 고려됩니다. RAE 평가는 그 자체로 전통적인 “ranking”이라고는 할 수 없으나, 학과분류에 따라 4*, 3*, 2*, 1*, unclassified 등급으로 나뉘어지며, 각각 “World-Leading” (4*), “Internationally Excellent” (3*), “Recognised Internationally” (2*), “Recognised Nationally” (1*) 순으로 평가하고 있어 대학원 선택의 참고자료로 활용도가 높습니다.

영국 주요 학과내 연구능력 평가 지표

Institution name % of World Leading Class
Cardiff University 35
Imperial College London 35
King’s College London 30
London Business School 55
London School of Economics and Political Science 60
Queen Mary, University of London 30
University College London 55
University of Bath 30
University of Bristol 30
University of Cambridge 35
University of Essex 40
University of Nottingham 30
University of Oxford 40
University of Warwick 40
Institution name % of World Leading Class
Cardiff University 30
Imperial College London 40
Swansea University 35
University College London 35
University of Cambridge 30
University of Liverpool 30
University of Sheffield 35
Institution name % of World Leading Class
Cardiff University 45
Goldsmiths College, University of London 45
London School of Economics and Political Science 45
University of East Anglia 50
University of Westminster 60
Institution name % of World Leading Class
Birmingham City University 30
Goldsmiths College, University of London 35
Loughborough University 55
Open University 35
Royal College of Art 40
University College London 35
University of Brighton 35
University of Dundee 35
University of Oxford 30
University of Reading 45
Institution name % of World Leading Class
Courtauld Institute of Art 40
School of Oriental and African Studies 30
University College London 30
University of Birmingham 30
University of East Anglia 50
University of Glasgow 45
University of Manchester 40
University of Sussex 45
University of York 45
Institution name % of World Leading Class
Aberystwyth University 30
City University, London 30
Goldsmiths College, University of London 30
King’s College London 45
Queen Mary, University of London 50
Queen’s University Belfast 35
Roehampton University 55
Royal Holloway, University of London 60
School of Oriental and African Studies 35
University of Birmingham 50
University of Bristol 45
University of Cambridge 45
University of Durham 30
University of Exeter 35
University of Glasgow 40
University of Kent 35
University of Manchester 50
University of Newcastle upon Tyne 35
University of Oxford 50
University of Reading 30
University of Sheffield 45
University of Southampton 50
University of St.Andrews 50
University of Warwick 60
University of York 50
Institution name % of World Leading Class
Imperial College London 35
University College London 35
University of Birmingham 30
University of Bristol 30
University of Cambridge 45
University of Edinburgh 35
University of Glasgow 30
University of Liverpool 30
University of Manchester 30
University of Nottingham 30
University of Oxford 35
University of Southampton 35
Institution name % of World Leading Class
Aberystwyth University 40
Goldsmiths College, University of London 35
Lancaster University 35
London School of Economics and Political Science 50
University of Bath 35
University of Edinburgh 30
University of Essex 45
University of Kent 30
University of Leeds 35
University of Manchester 40
University of Oxford 35
University of Sheffield 45
University of Southampton 35
University of Surrey 30
University of Warwick 30
University of York 30